So yeah...this isn't the first time this has happened. I left my office to check on my sleeping babies and came back to this face. This is the "I'm sorry, I just finished the rest of your coffee face". Oh Olive.
~Held my first client meeting in my Home Studio
~Impromptu day date
~Booked over 15 different client/vendor meetings for the month of August
~Witnessed Justin smash a spider on the wall with his bare hand, umm.. gross.
~Finally purchased and installed window treatments in our bedroom, so much more stylish and comfy.
Feeling Appreciative:
~For full term healthy twin baby girls...we've been at Cardon's Children's Hospital lately for some precautionary testing...and every time I'm there I reminded of how unbelievably thankful I am for my two precious girls. We've had to shell out quite a bit of money lately for tests and doctor's appointments...but in the big picture that's nothing compared to having healthy babies. My heart aches thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong...and terrifies me to think of the future... Life is just so precious and tomorrow is never promised. Having children means your heart is now on the outside of your body and you don't really have any control of that. That's why I always remind myself to try and cherish each day.
~For finally sitting down with an Accountant to direct my business in the right direction.
~Broke down and youtubed the new Miley Cyrus video...after reading all the recent FB, don't do drugs.
~Broke down and youtubed the new Miley Cyrus video...after reading all the recent FB, don't do drugs.
Baby Moments I Want to Remember:
~They are both scooting machines, they will be crawling in no time, it's incredible
~Hannah is just oh so delicate and always moving her little hands and fingers, even when she's sleeping
~Emma's new thing is that she "grunts" all the time little caveman
~BY FAR the cutest thing I've ever witnessed....both babies were on the floor playing and Emma held grabbed a hold of a {clean} diaper and was waving in the air over her head...and Hannah starts laughing at her...for a good solid minute. I melted. I have a feeling Emma will be making her sister laugh for a lifetime.
~They are both scooting machines, they will be crawling in no time, it's incredible
~Hannah is just oh so delicate and always moving her little hands and fingers, even when she's sleeping
~Emma's new thing is that she "grunts" all the time little caveman
~BY FAR the cutest thing I've ever witnessed....both babies were on the floor playing and Emma held grabbed a hold of a {clean} diaper and was waving in the air over her head...and Hannah starts laughing at her...for a good solid minute. I melted. I have a feeling Emma will be making her sister laugh for a lifetime.
This cute bride to be {also a dear friend} came over to entertain the babies so I could get all of her upcoming vendor appointments booked out.
Babies had their hip ultrasounds simply because Hannah was breach and they were twins, test results indicated they were both fine.
Emma screamed her head off during the test and after, I tried distracting her in the worked, kind of.
My Sweet Hannah
When I left them they were both on the blanket, I came back a few minutes find them like this.... little monkeys.
My Silly Emma
Once in a great awhile, we can sneak in a nap. When I woke up I felt something fuzzy next to me...and I'll give you one guess who it was???
Held my first client meeting in my home studio...bare walls, no baseboards, no curtains yet...but I guess you have start at somewhere. {stay tuned as I hope to transform this room in the near future}
My darling Bride & Groom: Luke and Marlene meeting with their DJ: Juan Sandoval with AZ Celebrity DJ.
Daddy & Ems
My lovely cousin and her sweet family stopped by for visit and a little party planning, as I'm helping them with their upcoming 10 Year Vowel Renewal in the spring of 2014, so fun!
Finally sold the first car I ever purchased all own my beloved silver Pontiac Sunfire...I'll never forget driving it off of the showroom floor, I thought I was so fancy.
Hannah's little smile is so CUTE! She makes you work for it, but it's SO worth it!
We spent Sunday morning in the Studio, capturing the babies {very belated} 6 month photos. They lasted a good twenty minutes before they were DONE. Lesson learned, next time we set up the studio in our home.
My amazing dad called and said he wanted to drive up and spend the day with his grandbabies...which equaled an impromptu day date for us.
We were so exhausted but didn't want to miss the opportunity for some time away from the home "babies free"...we ended up doing lunch & a movie....the only movie playing worth seeing was "Monster's University"... so that's what we saw, besides Sulley kinda reminds of Justin.