As Seen In: Arizona's Finest Wedding Sites Magazine
Photo By: Erica Velasco Photography
Floral By: Garden Gate Flowers
Venue: Hotel Valley Ho
Happy Monday!
It's Labor Day. Which means today Justin and I are both working:) I saw this post the other day and it made me giggle. So true.
In an effort to keep up with my consistent blogging I thought I would simple share 5 Random Thoughts.
1.) Photoshop. I wish more than anything I was an expert with this program. Case in wedding blog posts. I recently purchased some swanky new Photoshop templates to best showcase real life weddings and photo shoots on my blog. However... Learning how to correctly use them is a painfully long process requiring lots of time. Hence the reason why I was never able to share Lacey and Jarred's Wedding on Friday. No fear my friends, I will get this down. Stay tuned...
2.) Periscope. Seriously, you guys, this new social media is so different than anything I've seen before. What is it, you ask? It's live video broadcasting! For example if I'm onsite rocking an event I can sign on and broadcast live (in real time) from the event! And viewers can log on and chat with me via messages that pop up on my screen and show love by tapping hearts. It's seriously so much fun. It's a very raw, non edited, in the moment form of social media. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly encourage you to give it a whirl. Especially if you're a J.Starr Client... Because I'll be sharing tons of advice and helpful hints in regards to wedding planning and event design! Look for me on periscope at: @jstarrstyle.
3.) Wave of New Bookings. I've recently booked a handful of new beautiful couples in a short amount of time. I'm so honored and thrilled. I'm officially reached my booking limit for the Fall of 2015, and I'm halfway to my booking limit for the Spring of 2016. Over the years I've discovered that I feel comfortable booking a max of 12 to 15 Weddings each year. This allows me to really be able to concentrate on my booked clients while also realistically allowing me to balance my work/life roles.
Will this change in the future? Maybe, and maybe not. I'm still pondering the next step for my business. All I can say right now is.... I'm extremely grateful. I've been passionately growing J.Starr Stylized Weddings for 4.5 years now, and I'm so happy to be at this new point in my business.
4.) The Weather. Amen. August is such a dreadful time for us Arizona peeps. I've been having an especially difficult time because keeping my twinzies inside is difficult. I'm jumping for joy that I can finally take them out for walks to the park again in the mornings.
5.) Our 13th Annual Party. Plans for our "13th Annual" are underway. This is a tradition that we started our very first year of dating....13 years ago! It's simply a party that we host for our friends, typically with a theme of some kind. It's been a stretch trying to keep this tradition alive after having kids...schedules get tighter, babysitting must be scheduled, it's a lot of work for not only us... But also the attendees. We've all become official grownups now and our lives are much different now than what they were at the age of 23. But now, especially more than ever, we think it's so important to keep in touch with our friends.
In the past we've always made this a Halloween Party. Last year we realized that October is just way too busy of a month for us (Wedding Season). So, we thought about making last year our final party (sad face). But on a whim, we decided a week ago...let's just throw together a Beach Brunch party in a week and see what happens. I'm in shock that with only a week's notice, our RSVP count is super high! Yeah for embracing changes that work! Can't wait for Saturday... Beach vibes, Bloody Marys, Breakfast Burritos, and fun times ahead.
P.S. In the past I've invited my amazing clients and industry friends. This year I've decided against it... Simply because business has GROWN and there's a lot of fabulous people in my life. Wow, how lucky am I?
Dear Lovely Clients (Past & Future),
Please, please, please do not be offended for not being invited this year, because you are so loved. So much in fact that I'm going to be hosting something very special just for you in the near future, stay tuned! I can't wait.
Dear Industry Friends,
I see you guys at fancy parties all the time anyways ;) Plus I'm guessing most of you are working Weddings on Saturday anyways. Ya know I love you all.
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