Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Checking It Off....

It's been a long while since I evaluated and blogged about my 101 in 1001 List ~ It's time to do some updating.  I currently have 11 to check off, but I don't offically check them off until I blog about (weird rule I put in place for myself) So stay tuned for future posts!

Creating this list is by far one of the coolest things I've ever done.  I started this challenge back on June 21st, 2012 shortly after a very sad time in our lives.   I needed a pick me up, I needed a boost, I needed a plan, and I needed some accountability (which is why I posted it to my blog for the world to see~which some times still gives me midnight panic attacks....ahhh, I kid...kinda). 

And little did I know at the time, how incredibly rewarding this would be for me.  You see, by writing out these goals...they slowly seeped into my subconscious and one by one they started getting checked off almost naturally. 

There's been a ton of research on goal setting, not that I'm super familiar with.  But I will tell you, that from personal experience...this has really worked.  I now have less then a year to go... and several goals to still be checked off, but I'm determined to conquer as many as possible.

If you haven't taken the time to write down your goals, I highly highly encourage you to do so. If you're a more private person, then certainly don't feel like you have to post them online, you can simply keep you list in your wallet, or post it to your bathroom mirror... Justin's been working on one of his own, and I know for certain, the only one he'll share it with is me (maybe)... he's a private person and I totally respect that...sharing it is not important (unless you feel like you need the extra push) DO THIS FOR YOU, I'M TELLING YOU, YOU'LL BE SO THANKFUL YOU DID!

Here are some tips on how to get started:

~ Decide if you want to do a 101 goals in 1001 days list or a different goal list.
~ Start by writing down all the goals you’ve been putting off or planning to do for a long time.
~ Fill out your goal list by…
  • looking at other 101/inspiration blogs,
  • carrying around a pad of paper and a pen to write down ideas
  • asking friends or family for ideas
~Fine tune them with a start and end date. For example: If your goal is:  Travel More (that's too vague and hard to measure) Get specific... For example: Travel to a new place once every six months for the next 1001 days.

~Write down or type up your final list. Print out a copy to keep somewhere you will see it often.

Oh and here is a cool little calculator to help you figure out 1001 days from now. 

If you are doing a goal list and want to share, please let me know...I'd love to support you along your journey, as my readers have supported me.

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