Monday, November 12, 2012

Remember this Silliness???

Goood Morning,

A & B had me up again this morning at 4am...those little girls, so bossy already....thank goodness for the internet...I was able to catch up on Facebook, Pinterest, organize my computer desk top, and blog!!  Oh geesh... the computer is such a suck box....what did we do without it before???

Well, I don't have a Manic Monday post for you today, as I don't have a photo...I'll have to have Justin snap one today... so until then...

Remember this little photo shoot we did back in August???  This was how we announced to the world that we were having two little girls....
I thought I'd share with some behind the scenes photos from that day....
Sammy is such a model!

I'm still shocked we were able to pull this off....

All Miss Olive cared about was the peanut butter in the tea cup...she has a one track wiener mind!!!!

My little pups...I've been missing them soooo much.  They've been at my parents house for the past three weeks, while we've been dealing with the moving process. 
I can't wait to introduce these two to their NEW home this weekend!!!
Happy Monday All!!!  Can you believe it's the middle of November???

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