Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Manic Monday Vol. 7

(21 Weeks Pregnant/5 Months, with Twins) 

MANIC MONDAY ~ Have to catch an early train, got to be to work by nine. And if I had an air-o-plane I still couldn't make it on time. 'Cause it takes me so long just to figure out what I'm gonna wear...Blame it on the train but the boss is already there....

Highlights of last week included:
~My crazy Partner In Crime~ Aimee flew into town and I was able to spend some fun times with her ...I thought it would be fun to include her in this week's Manic Monday I'm starting to feel self conscious of how many self preggo portraits I've been posting.  Aimee and I have about half a million photos together dating back to 7th Grade... but this was our first pregnancy photo opportunity.  
~I was able to spend some time with my former roommates: Andrea and Melissa.... lots of life changes have been happening...and we've been able to really spend some precious times together and have some great life talks.
~Another Doctor's hearing the babies’ heartbeats... my appointments will now be every two weeks... (Everything is doubled up when you're having twins)

Last week I learned:
~ {Disclaimer this is not directed at anyone in particular... mostly just complete strangers I run into in the store, so please do not take offense}

Not to let the "know it alls" get to me so much.  Seriously.... it's amazing how much unsolicited advice you get while you’re pregnant.... especially when they find out you're having twins... YOU HAVE TO DO THIS, YOU HAVE TO DO THAT, WHERE ARE YOU DELIVERING?  OH YOU CAN'T DELIVER THERE!!! 

Enough!!!! Mama can't handle it right now... I appreciate it... but I'm living in the land of oblivious right now ~ and I'm going to stay here for as long as I possibly can.

New fab finds:
  ~ Milano's Cookies, enough said.

Feeling Appreciative:
~For the fab maternity clothes that my friend Melissa gave me!
~Quality time with my family on Sunday
~Booking lots of business at work, always a good thing.
~Getting the Baby Shower invites done


On the horizon for this week:
~Dinner with the Palmer Family
~Putting the Designs/Decor Together for the Baby Shower

Currently Listening to: 
~Love Songs on Pandora (Keeping me calm)

Quote I'm Loving: "The Time You Enjoy Wasting is Not Wasted Time"

Confession:  I thought "Pregnancy Brain" was real myth...until now.  Wow, I've been struggling... I actually had a client {whom I've never met, nor told that I was pregnant} ask me on the phone the other day if I was pregnant??...I kept giving her the wrong fax number. Wow... just wow.  Everyone just please be nice to me okay? Thank you. I'll be normal again one day...maybe.


  1. ha! Oh Jenny, just breathe baby...breathe :) YOU GOT THIS! I know, everyone has something to say when you're preggo, but just do what you feel is best for you and the babes. You have mommy instincts now, everything will work out perfect. Just eat whatever the hell you want, now's the time to do it! I ate Lucky Charms & Green Olives for breakfast almost everyday, Chef-Boy R Dee for lunch every day, tabasco on everything,and ice cream from Baskin Robbins almost every night. Holy Cow I was HUNGRY!! Just be happy and enjoy your pregnancy, you look so beautiful and I'm so proud of you. LOVE YOU!! Glad you and Aimee had such a great time together. What a special time to make more memories w/your best friend. MUAH! xoxoxoxox
    See you sooner than later ♥

  2. You are adorable. Just adorable. I am so excited for you guys. Yes everyone has advice but just take it all with a smile and then wash it out... unless you ask for it. Otherwise you'll go crazy worrying and there is no need. You will be a fabulous mom and be just what those babies need. Enjoy your last couple of months with your hubby as just the two of you. Children change your relationship in such an amazing way. You'll laugh thinking about what life was like before kids. Ah! Look at me - I'm giving advice. Ignore it! :)

  3. You look fantastic! So healthy. That's all those kids need, and all they will ever need. Just take care of you and all will be fine. It's true that there's a lot to do, but I think you can wait and see what you actually NEED to do once they're here. So if something doesn't quite get done, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm learning more every day as a parent that the best laid plans often fly right out the window anyhow. Just wing it a's what you do best anyway!

  4. Oh honey you are too too cute! Pregnancy is weird! People feel like they can tell you what ever they want and have no regards for your feelings. Crazy weird.

    Side note, I'm sorry to say you will never be normal again . . . you will have a new normal. A new (better) version of your self Its crazy.

    But you are doing amazing and you look amazing! I love you!


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